Rock Creek Cleaners

Social Media in 2020

As 2020 has come and gone, most of us are looking back on it as a year we’d like to soon forget. For most industries, business took a hard hit. State departments recorded record-high numbers of American citizens filing for unemployment. Hospitals around the world literally ran out of space. Family gatherings, vacations, concerts, and shopping outings were canceled. Oddly enough, it took no time at all for folks to realize social media and virtual web applications, the technology that has been largely accused of the demise of human interaction, was in fact our most personal means of communication and the only way for small businesses to reach their customers.

It’s safe to say that 2020 was the most pivotal year in any working adult’s life. Cocktail hours amongst friends were taking place in their own separate living rooms. Grandma was able to watch her Christmas gifts being opened through a camera on her phone. Businesses were using state-of-the-art technology to conduct meetings, training, collaborating on projects, and communicating with their customer. People were forced to adapt to a new normal and our primary coping mechanism was technology and social media platforms.

We saw countless stories of neighbors, including many GreenEarth Affiliates, stepping up to make a positive impact in their community through food drives, clothes drives, offering free services to first responders, and any other number of good deeds. The movement to support locally owned small businesses experienced a massive push. Communities were truly pulling together to see each other to the end of this pandemic. It warmed our hearts to see these stories and was the reminder of humanity we all needed to see. Without social media, how many of these stories would have gone further than those directly involved? 

Understanding where our audience is, we’ve assisted dozens of GreenEarth Members in creating a strong online presence, using social media platforms to build relationships within their community and grow local awareness around their brand. Now more than ever, social media marketing is an integral part of operating a business. If you’re a GreenEarth Affiliate reading this, you can learn more about how our marketing team can assist you here. 

I say all this simply to say—2020 was rough. But together we got through it, and we’re stronger for it. We’ve learned how to make some major pivots in our work and personal lives, and we’ve realized how important it is to support our local communities. As much as we’d all like to forget the year that was, maybe it’s vital we never do. All the same, cheers to 2021, may it be filled with smiles and laughter.